GET /api/:hanzi
Response: { url: "string" }

Get a link for a audio pronunciation of a given hanzi from

GET /api/audio/:hanzi
Response: Audio Blob

Get a audio pronunciation file of a given hanzi from

GET /api/audio/pod/:hanzi
Response: Audio Blob (From ChinesePod)

Get a audio pronunciation file of a given hanzi from

POST /api/segment
body: { text: string }
Response: { segment: string[] }

Segment the given chinese phrase into words. ex: "我在青岛市崂山区工作。" returns [ '我', '在', '青岛市', '崂山区', '工作', '。' ]

GET /api/links/:hanzi
Response: { "Wikitionary": string , "HSK Academy": string , "AllSetLearning": string }

Get links for more in depth explanation from a given word. Supported websites: Wikitionary, AllSetLearning and HSK Academy.

GET /api/sentences/:word?&level=Elementary
Response: List<{ hanzi: string, pinyin: string, translation: string, level: string, audio: string }>

Get a list of exemple sentences with the translation from a given word. Support filtering by: includeAudio (0 or 1), level (Newbie, Elementary, Intermediate, Upper-Intermediate).

GET /api/lookup/:word
Response: { simplified: string, rank: Number | undefined, entries: { traditional: string, pinyin: string, definitions: string[] } }

Lookup the given word and return a entry from cc-cedit dictionary containing definitions.